Real estate
- Overview
- We achieve the customer’s assets effective utilization and value creation from real estate sales / brokerage business, market research, land acquisition, business planning-design construction to facility lifecycle management to form a value chain in land/real estate utilization a Total Real Estate Solution Service.
Our strengths
Ability to make proposals

We propose a highly profitable asset utilization that combines design and functionality through collaboration with the design department.
Making a Sustainable Society

We promote sustainable development that combines environmental and business effectiveness, based on the philosophy of 「Future Development with Ecology and Energy」
Life Cycle Management
We offer a maintenance plan/ operation planning from the planning / construction stage to the whole life cycle of facility, and deliver a continuous and efficient facility management, and reduce the overall lifecycle cost.
Also in addition to traditional cost management concepts, considering the environmental performance, we propose optimal environmental solutions by considering reduction of the lifetime Co2 (carbon dioxide) by collaborating with Building Materials Department and Energy Department.
Development case
Resort Development Project
Acquired a hotel development site of about 14,876㎡ in Ishigaki City, Okinawa Prefecture. As well as the various licensing application procedures, we are proceeding with the selection of Management Company, hotel development project business in progress. Besides the resort hotel in Ishigaki City, there are other development plans of City Hotels in progress near central city area.